Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan TuneUp Utilities? Sayang sekali kalau belum mengenal software yang keren ini. Kali ini TuneUp Utilities 2012 hadir dengan tampilan yang lebih menarik dan keren abis euy. Hmm, tidak cuma keren saja tampilannya, fasilitas / fitur-fiturnya penyempurnaannya lebih Oke
Berikut adalah fitur tune-up yang saya kutip dari situs resminya
- Boosts PC speed by up to 50%, all thanks to Program Deactivator™ 2012
- Extends battery life with an all-new TuneUp Economy Mode
- Saves power by up to 30% and upgrades PCs with an enhanced power management
- over 30 tools in 1: more speed, better stability, less problems
- Your Windows runs constantly at half-speed: Program Deactivator™ 2012 restores full performance on your PC!
- Start-Stop-Mode reduces impact of programs to almost zero
- Enjoy up to 50% better performance at work, while gaming or surfing the web
- Get back the Windows® like it was on the very first day-feeling
- Upgrade your PC with the most efficient power management in the world
- Boost battery life of laptops, netbooks and tablet PCs by up to 30%!
- Optimize both performance and power consumption
- Enjoy enough power for working, gaming and watching movies on the road
Semoga Bermanfaat
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